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Pest Control FAQs

Q: I don’t have any insect activity after your initial treatment. Why is ongoing pest control service needed?

A: Even though you are not seeing pest activity, we must service your home’s exterior periodically to reestablish a barrier around crucial access points of your home or office (i.e. doors, windows etc.) to keep unwanted pests out. This is done to ensure we can guarantee your structure to be bug free.

Q: What steps can I take to ensure my house remains bug free?

A: Be proactive! Inside your structure, cleanliness is key to a pest free environment. Outside your structure, most of us love to have beautiful landscapes. This can be plants, trees, shrubs, flowers, etc. Inspecting the outside perimeter and keeping leaves and branches from touching your structure is a good way to eliminate an insect avenue.

Q: Your technician only treated the outside, what happens if I get bugs inside?

A: The Price Termite & Pest Control guarantee states that as long as you receive your scheduled services, we will revisit your structure in between if you are experiencing activity for any of the included pests on your service agreement. We will gladly schedule an included no-charge visit.

Q: Are your products safe for children and pets?

A: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the governing authority for the classification of level of safety for pesticides. The EPA, in essence, has stated that any chemical produced and sold may be considered hazardous. With that being said, the professionals at Price Termite & Pest Control are dedicated to the safety and well-being of our valued customers; ensuring that safety with regards to your family and pets is our top priority. We will never use any pesticide in a manner that could pose a potential hazard to you and your loved ones.

Q: Can I delay my service for this month?

A: Price Termite and Pest Control believes that as long as you stay on your scheduled service frequency, we can perform the proper job necessary to keep unwanted pests away from your structure. If you vary from your scheduled service, we cannot guarantee the level of service you expect.

Q: Do cockroaches carry disease?

A: Yes, certain species of cockroaches can and will carry diseases. Structural infesting cockroaches, such as the American cockroach and German cockroach, have been known to carry diseases. These cockroaches have the capability to transfer disease pathogens as they move across surfaces. Possible disease pathogens include Salmonella and/or E. coli bacteria.

Q: How can I tell if I have bed bugs?

A: Bed bugs are insects that feed on blood from a living host. Humans, as well as pets or birds, are typically that host. They are extremely difficult to control and are usually brought into the structure by the people who occupy it. Some simple ways to tell if you may have a bed bug infestation are… 1) Inspect your bed, paying special attention to the edges where the bindings are located. If brownish looking spots are discovered this is a good indication of an active infestation. 2) Inspect your arms, legs and back area for possible bites. Bed bugs will feed on areas not protected by clothing. 3) Look on the underside of drawers, bedside tables, and the base of the bed legs. These are a few things you can check for in advance of hiring a professional.

Q: Why do you need to inspect my home in order to give me a price for your services?

A: Pest Control and Inspection Management is not as simple as quoting a simple oil change for your vehicle. There are many factors involved with the accessibility of the structure, species of pests and severity of the infestation. Every case is different. It would be unfair to you, our potential customer, to misquote for a service that may not even be required……and we ensure you’ll be informed if that is the case.

Termite FAQs

Q: Are termites the only insects I need to worry about causing damage to my house?

A: No. Some other insects that can cause damage to wood include Carpenter ants and Carpenter bees (but we don't exterminate bees, only wasps and hornets). Both of these pests can cause minimal to severe damage to the wood that they are colonizing. However, neither the Carpenter ant nor Carpenter bee is classified as a Wood Destroying Organism (WDO) like termites are.

Q: Do I need to be home for your annual termite inspection?

A: Ideally, we would like to be able to inspect both the interior and exterior of your structure on the same day. We also understand that you may not be available for an interior inspection. We will be happy to schedule your inspection when it’s convenient for you. Our trained professionals will conduct an exterior inspection and leave you with a detailed report of their findings. In the event that possible termite evidence is discovered by you, we will gladly send out an inspector to verify.

Q: How do I tell the difference between an ant and a termite?

A: Both ants and termites have three body sections-head, thorax and abdomen. When looking at an ant, all these body sections are readily visible. Ants also have a very distinctive petiole (pinched waist) between their thorax and abdomen. If an ant has wings (swarmer), one pair of wings will be longer than the underlying pair of wings. The larger pair of wings will extend a little past the abdomen. When looking at a termite, it will be very hard to see the separation between the thorax and abdomen. Termites appear as if they have only two body sections. If a termite has wings (swarmer), both pairs of wings will be of the same length. Both pairs of wings will also extend past the end of the abdomen a considerable length, usually fifty percent of the body. Another difference is that winged ants look like a larger version of the rest of the ants. Winged termites differ in body color and are typically black and brown.

Q: Is there more than one kind of termite?

A: Here in Florida we deal with several different species of termites. One type is the subterranean termite. This termite will enter structures by tunneling up from the ground. They gain access through cracks, gaps or holes in the concrete foundation of a structure. Another type of termite is the drywood termite. This termite lives above ground and infests structures by flying into accessible areas, such as attics and eaves.

Q: My neighbor is having a termite treatment done on their structure. Does this mean that I need a termite treatment as well?

A: No. Most termite treatments performed on structures do not involve an active termite infestation. It’s what is referred to as a “preventative treatment” If the treatment is for an infested structure, that still doesn’t mean that termite have invaded your structure. However, the chances have increased and it would be a good idea to have your structure inspected by a termite professional to ensure that you do not have a problem that would require a termite treatment. Price Termite & Pest Control offers free termite inspections.

Q: Why do I need termite protection if my home is block construction?

A: Unless your structure is built completely wood free, your building is susceptible to wood destroying organisms such as termites. Even though your structure is concrete block or poured concrete construction, chances are your roof, wall framing and baseboards are wood. Price Termite & Pest Control’s various termite coverages will protect your investment and minimize what could be costly repairs.

Q: Why is it important to have a Price Termite & Pest Control termite protection guarantee?

A: Termites cause, on average, more financial damage each year than fires, floods or hurricanes….combined. The average cost of termite repairs can range in the thousands of dollars. Most homeowners find out that they have an infestation when the termites begin to swarm in their structure. The termites, at that point, have been there for an average of five to seven years. Five to seven years of eating your structure! Unfortunately termite damage is not covered by homeowners insurance, which is why it’s important to take the steps now to protect your investment.

Lawn FAQs

Q: How much would it cost me to do my lawn service myself?

A: After purchasing all of the necessary equipment and products, an average sized lawn (5,000 square feet) could cost anywhere from $600-$800, plus time and effort.

Q: How often should I water my lawn?

A: We suggest watering at least once a week in the winter months and at least twice a week in the summer months. If your sod is a good St Augustine type like Floratam, it is somewhat easy to maintain.

Q: I just had my service, why are there so many weeds?

A: It can take up to 14-21 days for weeds to start subsiding. The weed has been affected by our products; it may just take some time to notice.

Q: Is it safe to let my pets out after your treatment?

A: We recommend and suggest waiting until our products dry before letting pets or children near our treated areas? In Florida climates, it may be dry in as soon as 1 hour.

Q: Should I water after your treatment?

A: For insect only treatments and fertilizing we do recommend watering your lawn, because in some cases a granular form may be used and it becomes more effective if watered in. If weed control is included in your service, it’s recommended to wait a couple hours before watering, or better yet, the next day.

Q: When should I mow my lawn?

A: Your lawn can be mowed any time after we’ve concluded our treatment.

Q: Why do I have brown spots in my lawn?

A: Brown spots are caused by insect damage, fungus growth or a lack of water / irrigation.

Q: Why do I have yellow spots in my lawn?

A: Yellow spots are generally caused by insect damage, the growth of fungus or a lack of nutrients located in the soil. A lawn analysis can determine the overall health of your soil.

5 Star Review

I'm a very satisfied customer for years now. They are dependable and courteous. It's a family owned business which is also important to me. They always call a day or so before a scheduled visit and should I need something extra, I get a phone call or visit with an honest opinion.

Linda Duarte
5 Star Review

Price employees were able to answer all my questions . I’m very satisfied with their service

Tom Furlani
5 Star Review

Excellent, honest, great pricing and a pleasure to deal with. I highly recommend!

Brian Rice