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About Spiders

Spiders are believed to have been in existence for more than 2 million years. Of the 40,000 known spider species, 3,400 can be found in North America. While most are harmless, a few venomous spiders here in Florida like black widows and recluses can cause serious medical issues.

Contrary to popular belief, spiders are not insects; they are actually arachnids, closely related to ticks and scorpions. Possessing the signature trait of eight legs and known to leave behind webs, spiders are notorious for spooking many homeowners.

What Do Spiders Look Like?

A spider’s body consists of an abdomen, cephalothorax, eight six-jointed legs, and an exoskeleton. Most spiders have eight eyes, which are located in the cephalothorax, along with the mouth, fangs, brain, stomach, and glands. The spider’s spinnerets, which produce silk to create webs, are located at the back of the abdomen. Spiders don’t have ears. Rather, their legs are covered with hairs that sense vibrations and smells.

Spiders vary in color and size depending on the species. The body of the largest spider in the world, the Goliath bird-eating tarantula, can grow to one foot, though most spiders in the United States are 1/4” to 1” in length, with females usually larger than males.

After mating, female spiders create a sac filled with as many as a thousand eggs. These eggs hatch into spiderlings, which then grow into adults. Spiders shed and replace their exoskeleton multiple times – a process called molting – until they have reached full size. Female spiders in the United States typically live 1-3 years, while males generally die within a few months. 

What Are the Unique Characteristics of Spiders?

All spiders have the ability to spin silk, which they use to create webs. Spider silk strands are made of protein and are considered to be the strongest natural fiber, able to withstand more stress proportionally than steel. However, not all spiders build webs. Some, including the Florida Wolf Spider, live on or below ground.  

What Are the Habits of Spiders?

Spiders prey on insects, small animals, and other spiders; they generally do not eat plant materials. Many spiders rely on their webs to entrap their victims, while others are predatory, searching for their next meal. While spiders are not attracted to light, many of the insects they eat are, so spiders may be found near light sources.
Spiders are cold-blooded, which means they are comfortable in cooler weather and not inclined to seek warmth. They can become more dormant in cold weather, but they can easily survive below freezing temperatures.

What Are the Risks of Having a Spider Infestation?

Spiders can be found just about anywhere, but they are particularly common in warm, moist areas like south-central Flordia. They tend to like hidden areas that are quiet and close to food and water sources. Indoor spiders can be found in old boxes, closets, shelves, basements, storage areas, garages, and anywhere else there is clutter. Outdoor spiders often reside in wood piles, and under rocks or debris, and in vegetation and wooded areas.

What Are the Risks of Spiders?

While spiders can be beneficial – eating insects and other pests – some species can also be harmful to people and animals. Spider fangs emit venom, which, depending on the type of spider, can produce symptoms ranging from very mild to lethal. Possible symptoms of a spider bite include swelling, skin lesions or welts, rash, itching, blistering, and pain around the bite area. Spider bites can also trigger allergic reactions, difficulty breathing, muscle pain or cramping, nausea and vomiting, fever, sweating, and headaches. In rare cases, spider venom can also cause the tissue around the bite to die, paralyze the nervous system, or result in death. 

Most of all, they're just annoying, and they can deter guests if you don't have a regular pest control program.

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